Chicken Skin: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Dr. Shireen Singh, MBBS.
Written by Our Editorial Team
Don’t worry you are not turning into a chicken. Here’s why.
Small, hard bumps that grow around your skin are caused by a harmless condition known as chicken skin. It appears as goosebumps on the skin and has a sandpaper-like texture. This condition may also be referred to as “Keratosis Pilaris”. The condition of Keratosis Pilaris is caused due to the excess production of Keratin protein in hair follicles. Therefore, the extra production of Keratin blocks the hair follicles and skin cells, forming small bumps on the skin that appear like Chicken Skin. Chicken skin causes these bumps around your underarms, thighs, or buttocks.
Also Read : Keratosis Pilaris: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment
Symptoms And Causes
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The appearance of the chicken skin is the only noticeable symptom. The bumps appear to look like the skin of a plucked chicken. Hence, it is commonly known as “Chicken Skin”.
Chicken Skin Symptoms can be seen in women and children due to skin conditions like -
- Dry Skin - Excessive dry skin can be a reason for the chicken skin symptoms to appear as it restricts the moisture to sustain in the skin cells.
- Obesity - Commonly described as having excess body mass. Overproduction of Keratin can be caused due to higher levels of insulin in the blood cells.
- Eczema - It is a condition that causes dry and itchy bumps on the skin. The appearance of Eczema weakens the skin barrier, which is responsible for retaining the moisture in the skin.
- Ichthyosis - It is a fairly common and mild condition that can appear as dry, thick, and scale-like skin. This condition is often genetically inherited. However, chicken skin causes can be due to medical illness or any reaction to a medicine.
- Hormonal Changes - Hormonal imbalances may result in excess production of Keratin which can cause chicken leg symptoms.
People With Chicken Legs May Notice:
- Slight skin discoloration around the bumps.
- Irritation and dryness around the area affected.
- Color of the bumps in different colors like red, brown, pink, or white, depending on the skin tone of the person.
Treatment Of Chicken Skin
Keratosis Pilaris or Chicken Skin is not at all harmful so there is usually no need to treat it. However, if you do feel conscious, there are some chicken skin treatments by which you will be able to reduce the appearance of it.
Treatments that can significantly reduce the bumps include:
1. Topical Treatments
A. Exfoliation
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Exfoliating the affected area using gentle scrubs and creams, will help unclog the dirty pores and encourage smooth skin. Remember to use a gentle scrub that won’t irritate the condition. Try our Bumps Eraser Exfoliating Scrub, which is powered by potent ingredients like Spirulina, Glycolic Acid, and Lactic Acid Complex to keep your skin healthy and smooth.
Also Read : What To Expect From ThriveCo’s Bumps Eraser Exfoliating Scrub?
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B. Moisturization
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It is crucial to keep your skin hydrated as dry skin can make the condition even worse. Moisturizing the affected area several times a day will promote healthier and nourished skin.
C. Laser Treatments
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Laser treatments can help improve the discoloration of the affected area making it even toned and smoother.
2. Home Remedies
Though home remedies won’t make your chicken skin go away, they can help your affected skin look healthier, which may minimize the appearance of bumps.
A. Aloe Vera
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Aloe Vera is known for its cooling properties that will give your skin relief from itching and irritation. It unpacks the anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe the chicken skin.
Also Read : The Ultra Soother- Aloe Vera And Its Benefits For Skin
B. Apple cider vinegar
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Apple Cider Vinegar has acetic acid that helps get rid of dead skin cells and unclogs dirty pores. In addition, it also balances the pH of the affected area thereby reducing redness and irritation. Dilute the apple cider vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio, and apply the solution to the affected area with the help of a cotton pad. Wait for a few minutes and then rinse it off.
C. Baking Soda
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Baking Soda is known for its exfoliating properties. It removes dead skin cells, that help improve the condition of chicken skin. However, it may be too harsh for some people, so it is recommended to do a patch test first.
D. Coconut Oil
Source : Shutterstock
Coconut oil has moisturizing and hydrating properties that help fight dry and scale skin. After the bath, take some coconut oil and massage it on the affected area to reduce inflammation and redness.
D. Water
Source : Shutterstock
Drinking water is essential for not just improving chicken skin, but also enhancing overall skin health. Proper hydration in one’s body can help promote overall health, making it less prone to irritation and redness.
Remember, having chicken skin is completely normal. It has no impact on your overall health. But, we get if it makes you conscious or underconfident, there are several chicken skin treatments to reduce the appearance of bumps. Choose whichever suits best for you and get back that confidence!
About Doctor :

Dr. Shireen Singh, MBBS, MD Dermatology, is a trusted dermatologist with over 8 years of specialized experience. Passionate about empowering individuals to achieve their hair and skin care goals, she combines cutting-edge technologies with personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual's needs. She's dedicated to helping you achieve vibrant hair and glowing skin. Dr. Shireen loves research and is here to share her expertise for your health and happiness.
Disclaimer: All the content published on www.thriveco.in is solely for information purposes. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consider seeking the advice of your physician or a qualified healthcare provider. The information, suggestion, or remedies mentioned on this site are provided without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied.