Natural Wavy Hair

Is Your Hair Naturally Wavy? Let's Find Out.

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Do you know what your hair type is - Straight, Curly, Wavy? Or do you find yourself lying to fit into the trend of straight hair, thinking it is more beautiful? Well, you are not alone. There are many people hiding in the herd, rather than shining on their own.

Your hair is full of surprises, one day it is straight, another day it becomes wavy and then there is also an occasional curl party. It's like your hair is playing a dress-up game. This can make you wonder what your hair type really is?

Many people tend to believe they have straight hair due to societal beauty standards. What if we tell you that all types of hair are amazing? The Goddess aura around a woman who has wavy hair is beyond words. Let's find out about your hair type and celebrate you.

What Are The Different Hair Types?

Ready to find out your hair's secret personality? Let's enter the world of hair types.

1. Straight Hair

Straight Hair

Source : Freepik

Having straight hair right after a shower, does not prove that it is straight, but if it stays straight as an arrow after it dries up, then congratulations, you have straight hair.

2. Wavy Hair

Wavy Hair

Source : Freepik

One day, you come out of the shower and your hair decides to surprise you with graceful S or C shaped waves. Then tadaa, you have wavy hair. Sometimes, your hair loves to hide a little secret.

Also Read : We Designed The Ultimate Wavy Hair Routine With Curlvana Wavy Hair Range!

3. Curly Hair

Curly Hair

Source : Freepik

Know that you naturally have curly hair when your hair does a happy dance and is all bouncy, and stay that way even after a bath. The presence of twist and turn is a clear sign that you have curly hair.

Also Read : Curly Hair Styling Question & Answers !

Signs Your Hair Is Naturally Wavy!

Do you also think your hair is playing hide and seek with its true nature ? It looks straight when wet, only to reveal its wavy side when dry. It's like your hair is keeping a little secret from you. Uhm, guess what? You might actually have wavy hair. It's just that you have not realized it yet. If you have ever questioned what's going on with your hair, then 100% you are part of the wavy hair gang without knowing it. Let's find out your hair's secret.

Wavy hair

Source : Freepik

  • Forms cute 'S' or 'C' shape: You get out of the shower and then boom! You are surprised to see how your hair has transformed. It decides to throw a dance party by forming cute 'S' or 'C' shapes.
  • Texture: Wavy hair isn’t flat. They are full of life, adding depth and a wow factor to your hair.
  • After bath party: If your hair stays in the wave zone, even after a full wash, then there is no doubt in believing that you have wavy hair. It's like it loves the party so much. It never wants to leave.
  • Have frizzy hair: If you are dealing with frizz, then its your hair's way of saying "I am wavy and I am proud of it." Embrace that messy look.
  • Easy Styling: Styling wavy hair is the easiest of all. They hold your curls and volume without causing much trouble
  • Versatile: Heard the term shape-shifter? Your hair is one. It can go from straight to wavy hair with just a little twist.

So, have you finally realized that you have wavy hair? If yes, then are you looking for ways to get those gorgeous waves? Welcome to the world of hair care products. Your wavy hair has a lot of potential. All it needs is the right product. But there are so many choices available in the market, which makes it a bit challenging.

Buy Curlvana Wavy Hair Care Range 


You can end your search for the perfect wavy hair care solution. Have blind faith in Curlvana Wavy Hair Care Range, which is crafted solely for wavy hair. Not for straight, not for curls, only for wavies. It packs a powerful punch in one package, including the best shampoo, conditioner and mousse. This exclusive wavy hair range cleans your scalp, hydrates your waves and brings radiant shine without weighing down your waves. Powered by ingredients like Mahua oil for deep healing and Pea peptide for voluminous waves, the products are formulated to control frizz and strengthen hair follicles to prevent breakage.




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