Castor Oil For Stretch Marks

Tips to Use Castor Oil for Stretch Marks

Dr. Shireen Singh
Medically Reviewed By:

Dr. Shireen Singh, MBBS.

Written by Our Editorial Team


Why Do Stretch Marks Occur?

Stretch marks occur whenever the skin is pulled due to rapid growth or stretching. It is quite a common occurrence for pregnant women and young boys and girls experiencing puberty. Stretch marks are also known as ‘striae’ and can be considered as a form of skin scarring. They have an off-colour hue and over time they might diminish but will never disappear completely. These marks appear by tearing of the ‘dermis’ and are most common in the areas of your body which stores a certain amount of fat.

Also Read : Stretch marks: Why Do They Appear And How To Get Rid Of Them?

What Is Castor Oil And How Does It Benefit Stretch Marks?

Castor oil is a type of vegetable oil derived from the ‘Ricinus communis’ plant, extracted from the seeds of the plant and then heated and processed for commercial use. Its usage is not limited to cooking, however, it enjoys cosmetic, cleansing, moisturizing usages and benefits as well.

  • Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid which greatly helps in reducing the appearance of stretch marks on your skin, since it is a fatty acid which repairs damaged skin while providing moisturizing benefits to your skin.
  • The presence of antioxidants also aids towards preventing free radicals from causing skin damage.
  • Castor oil has been linked in studies to being able to treat all kinds of skin damage caused.
  • Castor oil is considered safe for most people. Additionally, the fatty acids in this oil contain antimicrobial properties that might actually prevent acne among other skin related issues.

We recommend using ThriveCo Stretch Marks Expert, works for old and new stretch marks and safe for pregnant & new mothers.


Also Read : Home Remedies Vs Stretch Mark Creams: Which Is Right For You?


How To Use Castor Oil For Treating Stretch Marks

1. Castor Oil And Plastic Wrap


  • Two tablespoons of castor oil.
  • Plastic wrap.
  • Heating pad or heating bottle

Prep Time

2 minutes.

Process Time

45 minutes.


  1. Heat castor oil in a bowl until lukewarm.
  2. Massage with the castor oil onto the area with stretch marks.
  3. Once you’re done massaging, wrap the area tightly with plastic wrap.
  4. Use a heating pad or a hot water bottle to apply it to the stretch marks over the plastic wrap, keeping it in place for about thirty minutes.
  5. Carefully remove the plastic wrap and wash off the oil with lukewarm water.

How Often To Do

Thrice or four times a week.

Why You Should Do It

Think of this treatment as a type of deep moisturizing. Through this Castor oil improves the elasticity of your skin as well as enables the oil to work better in conjunction with the heat.

2. Castor Oil And Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera


  • One tablespoon of aloe vera gel or aloe vera extract
  • One tablespoon of castor oil

Prep Time

Five minutes.

Process Time

Leave it overnight.


  1. Extract a tablespoon of fresh aloe vera gel and mix it to get it to a smooth consistency.
  2. Add a tablespoon of castor oil to the gel.
  3. Heat the mixture for a few seconds until it is lukewarm or warm.
  4. Apply this warm mixture onto your stretch marks and leave it overnight.

How Often To Do

Daily, until results are obtained.

Why You Should Do It

Castor oil’s rich ricinoleic content and aloe vera’s Vitamin E levels both contribute towards repairing the epidermis and the dermis and reduces any inflammation as well. Aloe vera's benefits for skin are well known.

3. Castor Oil Hot Massage


Just 2 tablespoons of castor oil.

Prep Time

Five minutes.

Process Time

Half an hour to thirty-five minutes.


  1. Heat some castor oil in a bowl until lukewarm. Take care not to heat too much.
  2. Apply this warm oil onto the area with stretch marks and massage gently, but firmly.
  3. Once the stretch marks are covered with oil, leave it on for about half an hour.
  4. Wash the oil off with lukewarm water after this.

How Often to Do

3 to 4 times a week until results are obtained.

Why You Should Do It

Castor oil being a rich source of antioxidants which greatly benefit your skin by repairing it in case of any damage works well as a massage oil for stretch marks. Heating castor oil permits deeper penetration, aiding the antioxidants to repair the damage- the stretched and broken collagen fibres in the dermis.

4. Castor Oil And Cloves



  • Six cloves
  • 2 tablespoons of castor oil

Prep Time

Ten minutes for preparing.

Process Time

45 minutes to apply.


  1. Using mortar and pestle, grind the cloves to a fine paste.
  2. Add the castor oil to this paste.
  3. Mix well.
  4. Transfer the mix to a bowl and heat it for a couple of minutes until it starts to change colour.
  5. Let the oil cool down and then massage it onto the affected area with stretch marks.
  6. Massage for about fifteen minutes, leaving it on for an extra thirty minutes.
  7. Wash off afterwards with lukewarm water.

How Often To Do


Why You Should Do It

Clove oil is an extract that comes from clove buds. Clove oil benefits include its effectiveness in diminishing the stretch marks as well. The combination of both clove and castor oil is highly effective in helping deal with stretch marks.

5. Castor Oil And Sugar Scrub


  • One tablespoon of castor oil
  • One tablespoon of sugar

Prep Time

Two to three minutes.

Process Time

Twenty minutes.


  1. Combine and mix together equal portions of sugar with castor oil in a bowl.
  2. Use this mix as a scrub for your skin as well as stretch marks.
  3. Gently rub the scrub for about five minutes in your skin.
  4. Leave the scrub on your skin for an additional fifteen minutes.
  5. Wash off with lukewarm water later.

How Often To Do

Twice or thrice a week.

Why You Should Do It

Exfoliation is healthy for skin, as it helps in removing dead skin cells. This is a gentle scrub which people can use for treating their stretch marks as well as their skin.

6. Castor Oil And Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil


  • One tablespoon of castor oil
  • One tablespoon of coconut oil

Prep Time

Two to three minutes.

Process Time

Thirty minutes.


  1. Combine both oils in a bowl in equal portions until you get a desirable blend.
  2. Apply this oil mixture onto the areas of your skin with stretch marks.
  3. Massage the oil in until it feels warm on your skin.
  4. Leave it on your skin for half an hour.
  5. Wash off with lukewarm water afterwards.

How Often To Do

Thrice daily.

Why You Should Do It

Coconut oil has the ability to percolate through your skin very well, this combined with castor oil enables it to reach the damaged layer of skin. This helps in greatly improving the appearance of stretch marks.

7. Castor Oil and Potato


  • One potato’s liquid extract
  • Two tablespoons of castor oil

Prep Time

Ten minutes to mix and prepare, a couple of hours to refrigerate.

Process Time

Thirty minutes, for application.


  1. Combine the potato extract with the castor oil in a bowl.
  2. Refrigerate the mix for two hours.
  3. Apply the mix onto the stretch marks.
  4. Leave it on for half an hour.
  5. Wash the mix off later with lukewarm water.

How Often To Do

Thrice a week.

Why You Should Do It

This mix is effective in improving the elasticity of your skin, providing deep moisturizing, which encourages skin repair. The stretched layer of skin eventually regains its original shape due to efficient moisturizing.

8. Castor Oil And Turmeric



  • One tablespoon castor oil
  • Half teaspoon turmeric powder.

Prep Time

Two minutes.

Process Time

An hour.


  1. In a bowl combine the oil and the turmeric powder.
  2. Mix well until you get a smooth blend.
  3. Massage this mix onto the affected areas.
  4. Leave the oil on your skin for an hour.
  5. Wash off with lukewarm water later.

How Often To Do


Why You Should Do It

Turmeric contains antioxidants and healing compounds which can greatly improve the appearance and texture of your skin. Check out recipes for turmeric face masks which are great for skin and can be made easily at home.

9. Castor Oil And Oatmeal Pack


  • One tablespoon castor oil.
  • A teaspoon of uncooked oatmeal
  • Two tablespoons of olive oil

Prep Time

Two minutes.

Process Time

Twenty minutes.


  1. Combine the ingredients together in a bowl.
  2. Mix well until you get a coarse mixture.
  3. Apply this mixture onto the affected areas.
  4. Gently scrub for about five minutes.
  5. Leave the scrub on for an additional fifteen minutes.
  6. Wash off with lukewarm water.

How Often To Do

Twice or thrice a week.

Why You Should Do It

This is another great scrub for people afflicted with stretch marks. Both olive oil and castor oil provide relief from stretch marks and moisturize your skin well and the oatmeal proves to be a gentle scrub for your skin.

How To Choose Castor Oil?

People can get confused while choosing a castor oil for usage. Here are two ways to go about choosing a product:

Natural Castor Oil

Natural Castor Oil

Cold pressed natural castor oil comes in a pale yellow colour. The cold press procedure calls for castor beans being squeezed at very high pressure to extract oil from the seeds. The iodine increases and subsequently the intensity of its colour improves. The higher the purity of the castor oil, the lighter the colour.

Black Castor Oil

Black Castor Oil

This black castor oil is considered to be pure castor oil. The black colour is supposed to be an indicator of the fact that the oil has been obtained without much processing. In reality, however, the black colour is a result of the high number of impurities in the form of ash contents. Black castor beans are roasted to such an extent that they leave ash contents. This impurity is not desirable in castor oil as it decreases the purity of castor oil.

Therefore, in the case of most treatments, natural castor oil is preferred over black castor oil. It’s not difficult to obtain natural castor oil over the internet, make sure the product is natural, hexane free and not past its expiry date.

Also Read : Did you know : Castor oil is the self care product we all deserve!

Are There Any Side Effects To Using Castor Oil?

Before investing in the long term usage of any product it is best to cover all bases. Often castor oil can lead to allergic reactions on the skin. To avoid such a situation on your body, it is always better to perform a patch test before buying a castor oil product.

  • Points to Consider While Using Castor Oil for Stretch Marks.
  • Once you discover stretch marks, start treatment immediately. Leaving them just be allows the stretch marks to penetrate deeper and make the damage not easily reversible.
  • Improve your skin’s elasticity by drinking lots of water. Drink water as often as possible, this doesn’t just help while applying castor oil to allow it deeper penetration, but aids by improving your overall health as well, which is always a bonus.
  • Pursue a well-balanced diet as it helps in fighting against or preventing stretch marks, especially a diet loaded with Vitamin C. Since this vitamin is present in citrus fruits it would do you good to incorporate lemon water or oranges in your daily diet.
  • Using castor oil on a regular basis in concordance with the recipe allows for a greater positive benefit.
  • Avoid touching or scratching the areas on your skin with stretch marks as this causes small tears to occur in your skin.
  • Know in advance that treatments for getting rid of stretch marks can help only to a certain extent. Complete removal of stretch marks is only possible via surgery.
  • Even if the results are not immediately visible, or visible after a certain period since the treatment has started, continue applying the castor oil or castor oil mix onto your affected skin.

How Long Does Castor Oil Take To Show Its Effect?

Stretch marks take a long time to fade away, however with regular usage of castor oil treatments for a few weeks, some amount of difference should be visible. Within 2 months there should be a discernible difference, and the treatment should be working.

Stretch marks are uncomfortable and frustrating to deal with. Castor oil can greatly help treat this problem over time.


About Doctor :

Dr. Shireen Singh

Dr. Shireen Singh, MBBS, MD Dermatology, is a trusted dermatologist with over 8 years of specialized experience. Passionate about empowering individuals to achieve their hair and skin care goals, she combines cutting-edge technologies with personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual's needs. She's dedicated to helping you achieve vibrant hair and glowing skin. Dr. Shireen loves research and is here to share her expertise for your health and happiness.



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