
Tips to Use Castor Oil to Remove Moles

Dr. Shireen Singh
Medically Reviewed By:

Dr. Shireen Singh, MBBS.

Written by Our Editorial Team


Moles are harmless skin growth that occurs when the skin cells grow in a cluster instead of evenly spreading out. It is estimated that most people have anywhere from 10 to 40 moles on their body skin. While they are harmless, some of us might be bothered by their size or their placement, especially if it happens on face or neck or hand, where it is very visible. If you feel you don't like the presence of a mole, worry not as it is possible to remove a mole easily. Let's learn about how to get rid of the moles in a safe manner using home remedies. One of the most common ingredients used to remove moles is castor oil as it considered very effective against moles.

Also Read : Did you know : Castor oil is the self care product we all deserve!

Why Is Castor Oil An Effective Remedy Against Moles?

  • Moles are pigmented, abnormal growth of cells which can appear anywhere on the body and can be bothersome in some cases. Castor oil is an effective and simple remedy against moles as it helps dissolve the colouring or pigmentation and ensures the breakdown of the abnormal cell growth.
  • Castor oil contains something called ricinoleic acid which penetrates or percolates deep into the skin's layers and can aid in eliminating the formation of moles right at its source.
  • Castor oil is an extremely safe, if not cost-effective method to remove moles from the comfort of your home. One of the reasons for this is the fact that it has been classified as a discutient, an agent or drug which helps in removing or eliminating the accumulation of pathogens on the body.

Also Read : 15 Fabulous Benefits Of Castor Oil For Skin, Hair & Health

How To Use Castor Oil To Remove Moles

1. Castor Oil And Garlic



  • Three drops castor oil
  • Half a teaspoon garlic powder or a teaspoon of fresh garlic paste
  • A bowl for mixing
  • Towel


  • Mix the oil with the powder/paste to get a thick mixture or a paste.
  • Apply this mixture onto the affected area and leave it for a few hours.
  • Rinse with water afterwards and pat dry with a towel.

Process Time

Within a week this remedy should show results. It is recommended that you use this paste on the affected region(s) twice daily, for a week at least, for tangible results.

2. Castor Oil And Honey


  • A teaspoon of honey
  • 3 drops castor oil
  • Adhesive bandage
  • Soap
  • Towel
  • Bowl, for mixing


  • Clean the affected area(s) with soap and pat dry with a towel.
  • In a bowl mix together the honey and the oil.
  • Apply the mixture on the mole(s).
  • Cover with a bandage for a few hours, 3 at most.
  • Remove the band-aid to clean the area and reapply the mixture.
  • Wash it off after 3 hours.

Process Time

Tangible results are obtained for this method within a week, usually, if used twice daily.

3. Castor Oil And Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil


  • 3 drops tea tree oil (it is one of the many ways in which tea tree oil can be used for skin issues)
  • 1 teaspoon castor oil
  • Cotton
  • Adhesive tape
  • Bowl for mixing


  • In a bowl mix together both oils.
  • Soak the cotton in the oil mix and place it on the affected area.
  • Put the tape on top of the cotton to secure it in place.
  • Leave it on for a couple of hours. 3 or 4, maximum.

Process Time

It can take anywhere from a week to a month for effective results, depending on the size of the mole. Repeat twice daily.

4. Castor Oil And Baking Soda


  • Three drops of castor oil
  • Adhesive bandage(s)
  • Baking soda
  • Bowl, for mixing


  • In a bowl mix together three drops of castor oil and enough baking soda according to your estimate to make a paste. This paste should be slightly sticky.
  • Apply the mixture onto the affected area(s), spreading it completely across the mole or moles.
  • Put an adhesive bandage on the mixture. Use as many bandages as required. This is to prevent the mixture from running off the affected area. You can use a clean cloth to bind the affected area in case you do not have bandages.
  • Remove the bandage/cloth and wash off the mixture after 8 hours.

Process Time

It is recommended that this treatment is used every other evening until tangible results are obtained. Ideally, leave the mixture on before going to sleep and wake up in the morning to wash it off. Within two to three weeks you should see the results.

5. Castor Oil And Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar


  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon castor oil
  • Bowl for mixing
  • Cotton Pad


  • Combine the apple cider vinegar with the castor oil in a bowl.
  • Soak the cotton pad in this mix.
  • Wipe the moles with the pad.

Process Time

Repeat this remedy twice daily for effective results. It should work within a week.

6. Castor Oil And Flaxseed


  • 1 teaspoon Castor Oil
  • 1 teaspoon flaxseed oil
  • Bowl for mixing
  • Cotton ball


  • Mix together the oils in a bowl.
  • Soak the cotton ball in this mixture.
  • Apply the cotton onto the moles or the affected areas.

Process Time

Flaxseed hastens the process of healing, loosening the moles from the edges and protecting skin membranes. It takes a few days after applying the mixture twice daily for the moles to fall off.

7. Castor Oil And Frankincense Oil

Frankincense Oil


  • A few drops of Frankincense oil
  • 1 teaspoon castor oil
  • Cotton ball
  • Bowl for mixing


  • Mix together the oils in a bowl.
  • Soak the cotton ball in this mixture and apply it to the affected areas.
  • Leave it on for 4 hours maximum.

Process Time

Frankincense has potent astringent properties which aid in removing the moles' layer after layer, attacking the roots. It thus takes about two to three weeks for this mixture to work, if used twice or thrice daily.

8. Castor Oil And Grape Seed


  • 3-4 drops of grape seed extract
  • 1 teaspoon castor oil
  • Bowl for mixing


  • Mix the extract and oil together in a bowl.
  • Apply the mix generously onto the affected regions and leave it on your skin for several hours. 8 maximum.
  • Rinse it off with water later.

Process Time

This should show results in a few weeks, two to three at best, if used twice or thrice daily. Grape seed will have a high content of citric acid which aids in dissolving the cluster of skin cells which develop into moles.

Cautionary Tips

Castor oil might be safe for use for most people, however, castor oil can often cause a reaction on the skin for those people who are hypersensitive or allergic to the castor bean. Such people should avoid using castor oil altogether. Even otherwise if you are not sure whether you are allergic to castor oil or to any of the other ingredients in the recipe, you should perform a skin patch test before using. In case you have an overabundance of moles on your body you should consult a doctor, as in some cases, too many moles are indicative of a potential risk of skin cancer. It is also advisable to apply a sunblock with high SPF whenever stepping out.
Also Read : Castor Oil for Face: Benefits and Uses


About Doctor :

Dr. Shireen Singh

Dr. Shireen Singh, MBBS, MD Dermatology, is a trusted dermatologist with over 8 years of specialized experience. Passionate about empowering individuals to achieve their hair and skin care goals, she combines cutting-edge technologies with personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual's needs. She's dedicated to helping you achieve vibrant hair and glowing skin. Dr. Shireen loves research and is here to share her expertise for your health and happiness.



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