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Hair Grow Faster

10 Ways To Make Your Hair Grow Faster (2024)

Dr. Shireen Singh
Medically Reviewed By:

Dr. Shireen Singh, MBBS.

Written by Our Editorial Team


Have you been wondering if there’s anything more you could do to achieve longer, shinier, and healthier hair? Have you also been racking up on more and more hair vitamins and hair growth gummies in your cabinet and still witnessing only negligible results? But fret not, because there are multiple ways parallel to popping vitamin pills to grow healthier hair. With plenty of DIY hair growth options and over-the-counter products to grow hair, you are not out of options yet. Hence in today’s blog we bring to you ways to make your hair grow faster!

10 Ways To Make Your Hair Grow Faster

1. Check Your Protein Intake

Healthy Hair

Source : Shutterstock 

“What goes in, is what comes out.” I’m sure you must have already heard this one but in the context of hair growth, this must be your mantra because hair growth is a holistic process. If you are not consuming the proteins that your body needs you might be able to reach your hair goals because it is important to nourish your body to be able to see results. We recommend you to at least 50 grams or more protein a day. Proteins are usually ingrained in pulses so increase your consumption of pulses to increase your protein intake.

2. Reduce Stress

Reduce stress

Source : Shutterstock 

Just like how you must nourish your body to grow healthy, shiny hair it is also important that you take care of your mental well-being! It has been scientifically proven that inserted levels of stress can lead to inevitable hair thinning and hair fall. Hence it is important to keep it in check! Some ways to keep your stress in check are:

  • Working out
  • Yoga and meditation
  • Journaling
  • Active walking

3. At-Home Hair Oil Treatment

hair oil treatment

Source : Shutterstock 

Another way for hair growth is indulging yourself in oil treatment and yes we are aware it is your mom’s recipe but you know that Mum is right on this one! You can do an at-home hair oil treatment using hot castor oil or you can purchase over-the-counter hair oil/ serums that are packed with active and powerful ingredients to see faster hair growth.

 Also Read : How Does Rosemary Oil Boost Hair Health And Growth?

4. Scalp Massage

Scalp Massage

Source : Shutterstock 

Good hair care starts with a healthy scalp! Hence it is important to take care of your scalp through scalp massages. Scalp massages have been scientifically proven to stimulate hair growth by increasing blood flow thus strengthening your roots and helping the nutrients reach your hair follicle sooner! You can check out ThriveCo Scalp Care Kit comes with Scalp Scrub and Vitalizing serum.

Also Read : Scalp Care Is The New Skincare: Here's Some Inspo To Take Scalp Care Seriously!

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5. Hair Masks

Hair masks

Source : Shutterstock 

There are many DIY hair masks out there that do wonders for your hair and one such internet-famous hair mask is the egg yolk mask. Eggs contain Lecithin and protein which can strengthen and nourish your hair. To cook up an egg mask mix two eggs with olive oil/ almond oil/ coconut oil and mix it up with some vera gel add some essential oil (optional: to reduce the smelliness of eggs) and mix it all up and apply them to your dry brushes hair and leave it on for 30 minutes before shampooing your hair.

6. Use Keratin-Based Products

keratin-based products

Source : Shutterstock 

Just like what you eat makes up your hair it is also important to invest in quality hair care products so that you do not damage your hair. We recommend you turn towards keratin-based hair care products as they can smoothen your hair out while giving it a healthy shine and also prevent damage.

7. Post Shower Care

Post shower care

Source : Shutterstock 

Post tower your hair is extremely brittle hence it is important to handle your hair with care to prevent hair breakage. Be gentle with your hair post-shower, use only wide-toothed combs, and follow up with a leave-in-conditioner, a mousse, or a hair gel concerning the type of hair you have to ensure your drys in a same manner and does not appear frizzy.

8. Limit Heat Styling

Limit heat styling

Source : Shutterstock 

Sometimes it is inevitable to skip heat styling but on days where you have got nowhere to be let your natural strands take over. Because excessive heat styling damages the top layer of your hair thus making it look dull and damaged. And on the day you are heat styling your hair use a heat protectant to minimize damage to your hair.

Also Read : This Is How Heating Tools Damage Your Hair!

9. Trim Your Split Ends Regularly

Trim your split end

Source : Shutterstock 

We cannot stress this enough - 'Growing your hair does not mean skipping the salon!' Go to the nearest salon and get yourself a trim overtime you see split ends peaking. Otherwise, lean to do it yourself at home to trim those dead ends off so that you hair does not look unhealthy.

10. Protect Your Hair While You Get Your Beauty Sleep

beauty sleep

Source : Shutterstock 

Finally, when you go to bed lock your hair in a protective hairstyle like braids to avoid hair damage due to friction. Invest in a silk pillowcase to reduce friction and tangling. The last thing before we let you go is do not go to bed with wet hair because it leads to breakage of hair.

Even if did all of these tips simultaneously it is important to remind yourself that hair growth is a genetic process and hence no one magical formula will result in perfect hair. Hair growth is a slow process because on average our hair grows only half an inch per month i.e. figuratively 6 inches per year. Hence, it is important to give yourself grace and be patient to be able to see results. Also, be sure to check out our hair growth serum to help you along on your hair growth journey!

About Doctor :

Dr. Shireen Singh

Dr. Shireen Singh, MBBS, MD Dermatology, is a trusted dermatologist with over 8 years of specialized experience. Passionate about empowering individuals to achieve their hair and skin care goals, she combines cutting-edge technologies with personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual's needs. She's dedicated to helping you achieve vibrant hair and glowing skin. Dr. Shireen loves research and is here to share her expertise for your health and happiness.




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